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Are you the one [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2010-03-20
@= Fi7M  
      Are you the one    :I1 _X  
??你是他么?  hs+kr?Pg`  
??The traveller in time who has come    {9LWUCpsf  
??走入我生命的旅人    +jP~s  
??To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun    4 !#a3=_  
??治愈我的心伤,引我走向阳光    IQH[Q9%  
??To walk this path with me until the end of time    :G5RYi  
??共同走在生命的小路上直至终结    =ll=)"O  
??  #VVr"*7$  
??Are you the one?    v jT( Q  
??你是他吗    ,Hn^z<f   
??Who sparkles in the night like fireflies    r0]4=6U  
??萤火虫般在暗夜里闪出流彩的光芒    Sr_VL:Gg  
??Eternity of evening sky    (%_n!ip^  
??那夜空中的永恒    9GLb"6+PK  
??Facing the morning eye to eye    TDtAmk  
??在将至的晨曦中注视彼此    EME.h&A\G`  
??  XfYC7-e9c  
??Are you the one?    ` ln1$  
??你是他吗    +q<B.XxkA  
??Who’d share this life with me    NbRn*nb/T  
??与我共度此生    ?rYT4vi  
??Who’d dive into the sea with me    fc _2D|  
??与我深潜大海    nV_8K e  
??Are you the one?    kA wNly  
??你是他吗    5n lMrK  
??Who’s had enough of pain    >[10H8~bI/  
??受尽创伤    ut2~rRiK  
??And doesn’t wish to feel the shame, anymore    CC^E_jT  
??再不愿心伤    !j:`7PT\  
??Are you the one?    M*eJ JY  
??你会是他吗    kAA>FI6  
??  t*XN_=E$f  
??Are you the one?    <Fz~7WVd  
??你是他吗    ciQZHH2  
??Who’s love is like a flower that needs rain    %A/_5;PZ/  
??他的爱是等待降雨的花朵    od' /%  
??To wash away the feeling of pain    6Jz^  
??让雨水冲去伤痛    %G3(,Qz  
??Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear    28.~iw  
??不再深深畏惧    MV >$BW  
??Are you the one?    SHVWwoieT  
??你是他吗    eqAW+Ptx  
??To walk with me in garden of stars    :9t4s#.  
??在群星之下伴我同行    zj{r^D$  
??The universe, the galaxies and Mars    g'$tj&Vk:  
??火星,银河,宇宙    3< Od0J  
??The supernova of our love is true    .L6Zm U  

只看该作者 1 发表于: 2010-03-20
歌词很美,Timo tolkki 的声音充满怀旧的无奈感……
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2010-03-20
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