行路难,但人生之路谁都要走。有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆,眼中只有目标却忽略了风景,可路迢迢不知哪是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒。有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的网,放过焦躁苦恼。人生之路谁不走?只是走路时别忽略了一路的良辰美景。 一个人工作的地方是小的,居住的家是小的,社交的圈子是小的,有的人就越来越不满这缺乏变化的单调。有的人却总是怡然自得,随遇而安。世界浩渺,一个人只能居于一隅。比海洋大的是天空,比天空大的是心灵,因为这小小的心灵内住着一只时起时落的想象鸟。 大碗喝茶解渴,却说不上是怎样的好。 一心想得到的东西终于得到了,失去的却很多很多,而失去的原来比得到的可能还要好。 物化了的生命硬如岩石,而那些看似无价值的却永葆着神韵和空灵。 人生旅途上,有人背负着名利急急奔走,有人回归自然,飘逸而行。 To go on a journey is often full of hardships, but so long as one lives he proceeds on his life's journey. Different people go along differently. Some take hasty steps in anxiety. Obsessed with reaching the next goal in time, they spare no time for sightseeing along the way, nor do they have a clear view of where their long roads end. Others travel leisurely like tourists. They would take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowers or fallen petals. They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing. Even when they go against the wind or are caught in the rain, they never get annoyed, for worries slip off their minds as from an open net. Everyone goes his way in life. What makes a difference is: does he have a pleasant trip enjoying the landscape along the way? Cramped is one's workplace, narrow is one's residence and small is the social circle one moves about---such limitiedness in space entails lack of variety which is the source of some people's complaint. But others are always contended and happy for he can adapt himself to different circumstances. Compared with the vastness of the universe it is only a tiny spot one occupies on earth. However, though larger than the ocean is the sky, even larger is the human mind, for in it imagination can come and go on the wing without limitation. To drink at a gulp is a quick way to quench thirst, but it gives no taste of the high grade tea. One may eventually win what he has set his mind to, only to find that he has lost quite a lot. Perhaps what he loses is ever better than what he gains. Life, when petrified by material desires, is as callous as stone, while those seemingly worthless things always remain fresh and full of spirit. In their journey through life, some people hurry on with a heavy heart in pursuit of fame and gain, while others go with an easy, grace, enjoying themselves in harmony with nature. |